Hi, I'm David. With over 40 years of executive management in my rear-view mirror, I have turned my attention in new directions. Now semi-retired in the hidden paradise called Savusavu on the island of Vanua Levu in Fiji I am working to rediscover and recreate who I am. Or perhaps discover it for the first time. I am part hard-headed engineer, part artist, writer and poet, part teacher and mentor, part leader, part philosopher, and always a student.
In the blog on this website I publish musings and, hopefully, insights about living well and honorably. Our increasingly complicated and often frightening world presents daily challenges to each of us. Each of us faces things we have never had to before and for which we have no preparation or skills. There are ways of managing through all of that and finding our way to joy and fulfillment, and I hope to offer my experience, thoughts and ideas to help.
And I take pictures. This world we live in is so amazingly beautiful and often in quite unexpected ways. I seek in my photographs to both see in ways I have not done before and show the you parts of this gorgeous world that you have perhaps not seen before.
I've spent over 20 years studying and teaching yoga. The wisdom of its ancient teachers has opened my eyes to vastly different ways of understanding the nature of reality and my place in it. Although I no longer actively teach, I still give occasional seminars or workshops, sharing what my teachers have given me.
Teaching, writing, and photographing bring me joy. Oh yes, and my handsome, old, blind dog Buster who cuddles with me every day.
This period in my life was supposed to have been different but in April of 2022 my wife of over 44 years passed away from a stroke, and so I began a new, very different life learning. But then a miracle happened.
A woman sailed into Savusavu harbor after 9 years sailing the world and came to my yoga class. We began to talk and found we had an incredible amount in common in our hearts, minds, and spirits despite a myriad of external differences. One thing led to another and a new, incredible love was born. Vicky left the sea and moved in with me in early 2023 and on April 8, 2024 we married. My new life is beyond my wildest dreams for happiness and joy. Together, we have begun our own explorations of life, ourselves, and the world.
Stop by if you are in the neighborhood and we'll have a cup of tea or a bowl of grog or just watch the sunset over the South Pacific.
The picture above was taken in September 2024 in Nepal at at small town called Bandiphur.
Contact me to learn more.
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